

Solola - Guatemala :.
  • Solola Information General of the Departament
  • Solola - Solola is the capital city of the Departament of Solola Solola
    Location of Solola - 14°46′26″N 91°11′15″O - Location: 14°46′26″N 91°11′15″O (mapa)
    Official Language Kaqchikel, k'iche' y tz'utujil spanish (español)
    Capital Solola
    Region VI o Suroccidental
    Superficie - Total 1.061 km2
    Altitude Average 2.113 msnm
    Weather Cold
    Population - Total 307.661 hab.1
    Density 289,97 hab/km2
    SEGEPLAN, Population . Guatemala, january 2003. INE
    Departament of Solola includes 19 municipalities:
    San Andres Semetabaj
    San Antonio Palopo
    San Jose Chacaya
    San Juan La Laguna
    San Lucas Toliman
    San Marcos La Laguna
    San Pablo La Laguna
    San Pedro La Laguna
    Santa Catarina Ixtahuacan
    Santa Catarina Palopo
    Santa Clara La Laguna
    Santa Cruz La Laguna
    Santa Lucia Utatlan
    Santa Maria Visitation
    Santiago Atitlan
    Guatemala Solola 2025
    10-Day Weather Forecast for Santiago Atitlán, Sololá, Guatemala - The Weather Channel | The Weather Channel
    With President Arévalo's hands tied, Guatemala's Indigenous communities are increasingly losing hope Equal Times
    Improving Maternal and Neonatal Health in the Department of Sololá, Guatemala World Bank Group
    Hospital construction advances in Sololá and Chiquimula with CABEI support Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica (BCIE)