


Izabal - Guatemala :.
  • Izabal Information General of the Departament
  • Izabal - Puerto Barrios is the capital city of the Departament of Izabal
    Departament of Izabal
    Departament in Guatemala
    Location of Izabal
    City with more population Puerto Barrios
    Official Language Spanish / Español, Garifuna y Quekchi
    Capital Puerto Barrios
    Region III o Nororiental
    Municipalities Pto. Barrios, Morales, Livingston, Los Amates, El Estor
    Gobernador Departamental Byron Solares Ogaldez
    Subdivisions 5 municipalities
    Fundation 18 of mayo of 1866
    Total Area Position 2.º
    Total 9.038 km2
    Minima 3 msnm
    Weather Hot, tropical
    Population (2011) Puesto 14.º
    Total 413.339 hab. - Density 46 hab/km2
    People called Izabalence
    PIB (nominal)
    Total (2008) Q 9,637,550,137.6
    PIB per capita 25.121,6
    IDH 0,699 (6.º) – Media
    Postal Code 18000
    ISO 3166-2 Code : GT-IZ
    Congress 3 senators
    municipalities 5 :
    Puerto Barrios. - Livingston. - El Estor. - Morales. - Los Amates.
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