

Retalhuleu - Guatemala :.
  • Retalhuleu Information General of the Departament
  • Retalhuleu - Retalhuleu is the capital city of the Departament of Retalhuleu
    Location of Retalhuleu 14°32′07″N 91°40′42″O - Location: 14°32′07″N 91°40′42″O (mapa)
    Official Language Idioma spanish (español), k'iche' y Kaqchikel
    Capital Retalhuleu
    Region VI o Suroccidental
    Total Area 1.856 km2
    Altitude Media 239 msnm 2 en the capital msnm
    Weather Hot
    Total Population 304.168 hab.1 - Density 163,88 hab/km2
    People called retalteco/a
    ISO 3166-2 Code : GT-RE
    Departament of Retalhuleu includes 9 municipalities y estos son:
    El Asintal
    Nuevo San Carlos
    San Andres Villa Seca
    San Martin Zapotitlan
    San Felipe
    San Sebastian
    Santa Cruz Mulua
    Travel Center in Las Ruinas de San Juan Noj,
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