


- Information about this Department of Guatemala. Mobile Phones and Stores.
Total Municipalities 13 : Escuintla, Guanagazapa, Iztapa, La Democracia, La Gomera, Tiquisate, Masagua, Palín, San José, San Vicente Pacaya, Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa, Siquinalá, Nueva Concepción
The department of Escuintla, is located in the Region V or Central of Guatemala.
Other names : Ciudad de las Palmeras
Location of : Escuintla
More populated city : Escuintla
Language : spanish español, kakchikel, pocomam
Subdivisions : 13 municipios
Area : Total 4.384 km2
Height : Media 347 msnm
Weather : Hot
Population Total 684.764 hab. Density 156,2 hab/km2 people are Called Escuintleco
Postal COde 05000 - ISO 3166-2 GT-ES
Escuintla - Escuintla is the capital of the Departament of Escuintla
Guatemala Escuintla 2024
Guatemala reclaims prison where gang members had call center, held crocodiles Voice of America
Two Cuban immigrants emerge unscathed after a bus overturns on a road in Guatemala. CiberCuba
La Aurora Airport Guatemala Upgrade CentralAmerica
Gang members at prison operated call center and monitored crocodile-filled lake, Guatemala officials say CBS News